Acerca de
City Council Member
Hussein al-Taee
Hussein al-Taee started his career in mediation and conflict resolution at the CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation, working on dialogue processes in the Middle East and North Africa region, and on peace education in his home country, Finland. From 2019 until 2023 Mr al-Taee served as an elected Member of Parliament. In the Finnish Parliament, he was a member of the Environment Committee, the Commerce
Committee, and a deputy member of the Grand Committee, as well as the Employment and Equality
Committee. Mr al-Taee’s parliamentary networks included the Finnish Parliament Group on Global Issues,
which he chairs, the Finnish Parliament Network on Peace Mediation, the Finnish Parliament Network on
Human Rights, and the Finnish Parliament Group on Combatting Poverty. In 2021, he was further elected to The Municipal Council of Vantaa, the fourth largest city in Finland. In the Municipal Council, Mr al-Taee
serves as vice chair of the Education Board.
Mr al-Taee serves as a member of the board of directors of WISE (Wider Security Network, Finland). He serves
also a member of the Advisory Board for Human Rights, operating under the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, and a member of the Parliamentary Committee on Crisis Management. In addition to his duties as a city representative, Mr al-Taee advises NGOs working towards increased equality, justice and inclusion in Finland.
He holds a Master’s Degree in International Business Program (IBP) from the University of Warsaw.